Olivia Metros from Lowell, MA named to UMass Dartmouth Spring 2016 Deans List
Olivia Metros from Lowell, MA has been named to the UMass Dartmouth spring 2016 Dean's list in recognition of earning a semester grade point average of 3.2 or higher of a possible 4.0. UMass Dartm...
July, 18 2016 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Varsity Swim Team
Fall 2011 - Fall 2015
Lowell High School
Added by Olivia
Varsity Tennis Team
Spring 2011 - Spring 2015
Lowell High School
Added by Olivia
Alpha Sigma Tau
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Added by Olivia
International Language Club
Lowell High School
Added by Olivia