Rebekah Spannagel
Rebekah Spannagel, a freshman Premed/Predent major of Easley, was among approximately 470 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2016 President's List. The President's List recognizes st...
May, 16 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityEasley resident Rebekah Spannagel was among nearly 700 students who graduated from Bob Jones University Friday, May 6. Spannagel graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in History. During the 89th co...
May, 10 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a senior at Bob Jones University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in history, was accepted into the juris doctor degree program at the University of South Carolina School of La...
April, 18 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Senior History major of Easley, was among approximately 480 Bob Jones University students named to the Fall 2015 President's List. This President's List recognizes students who...
January, 04 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Junior History major of Easley, was among approximately 480 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2015 President's List. This President's List recognizes students w...
May, 26 2015 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Junior History major of Easley, was among approximately 950 Bob Jones University students named to the Fall 2014 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a 3.0...
January, 06 2015 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Freshman History major of New Hampton, was among approximately 1,500 Bob Jones University students who were named to the Fall 2012 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List,...
June, 04 2014 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Junior History major of New Hampton, was among approximately 1,400 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2014 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List, students...
May, 29 2014 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Sophomore History major of New Hampton, was among approximately 1,450 Bob Jones University students who were named to the Fall 2013 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List...
January, 09 2014 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel of New Hampton has been named to Bob Jones University's Chamber String Orchestra, one of two orchestras at BJU. Spannagel is a sophomore pursuing a BA in History. All students a...
November, 14 2013 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel of New Hampton has been named to the Bob Jones University Bruins cross country team. The Bruins cross country team, composed of 17 women and 16 men, begins their inaugural interc...
September, 05 2013 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRebekah Spannagel, a Freshman History major of New Hampton, NY, was among approximately 1,500 Bob Jones University students who were named to the Spring 2013 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's...
May, 15 2013 - Verified by Bob Jones University