Sarah Hercules
Member of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
From New Franklin, Ohio
From New Franklin, Ohio
Originally from the greater Akron, OH area, my family pushed me toward success from an early age and supported me at every step along the way. I am highly motivated to follow through and do my best in all that I do. I love to travel, read, twirl baton, help others, and learn new things. I thrive by seeing the impact I have on others' lives in the bigger picture.

Sarah Hercules Inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Sarah Hercules of New Franklin, Ohio, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. ...
April, 07 2016 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Frank Ogg Memorial Scholarship
-awarded by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for top Juniors
Spring 2016 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a spot on an honors list
Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in the top 7.5% of Juniors in the College of Arts and Sciences
Spring 2016 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Data Science Scholarship
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a spot on an honors list
Inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma Honors Societies in recognition of first year academic excellence
Spring 2015 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Award of High Distinction
-awarded by the Honors College in recognition of outstanding academic achievements
Fall 2014 - Spring 2016 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Fall 2014 - Spring 2016 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Swope Cup Award
-for being graduated first in the class
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Top Ten Scholar
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Outstanding Science Student
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Theater Arts Award
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Bryan Nowak Memorial Scholarship
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Judy Brokaw Memorial Scholarship
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Barberton Rotary Club Scholarship
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Red Cross Scholarship
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning a scholarship
Manchester High School Alumni Scholarship
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Akron Beacon Journal Star Student
-for excellence in the classroom, school, and community
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
AP Scholar with Honor Award
Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Akron Council of Engineering and Scientific Societies (ACESS) Outstanding Student Award
-for outstanding achievement in Science and Math at Manchester High School
Fall 2013 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Akron Children's Hospital Character Counts!
-for exemplifying good character
Fall 2013 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Senior of the Month
Fall 2013 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for being accepted to Bowling Green State University
Fall 2013 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Manchester Minuteman
-for one's contributions to the school and others through his or her concern and
Spring 2012 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for earning an academic award
Four-year Academic Letter Recipient
-Maintaining a 3.5 GPA
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014 -
Added by Sarah
Sarah Hercules was recognized for graduating
Added by Sarah
Alpha Lambda Delta-Phi Eta Sigma
-exemplify the pillars of scholarship, service, and leadership
Spring 2015 - Spring 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Honors Scholars
-apply critical thinking to discuss life and ethics in the world
Spring 2015 - Spring 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Spring 2015 - Spring 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Honors Student Association (HSA)
-service and social organization with academically focused members
Fall 2014 - Spring 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Falcon Marching Band
Fall 2014 - Fall 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Actuarial Science Society (Actuarial Sci)
Fall 2014 - Spring 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Honors Learning Community
Fall 2014 - Spring 2016
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Rocket Club
Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
National Honor Society
-Maintain a 3.5 GPA
-Complete at least 12 hours of community service
-Organize winter formal dance
Fall 2012 - Spring 2014
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Added by Sarah
-community performances
Fall 2012 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Junior Class Officer
-help organize fundraiser
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Chemistry Club
-monthly themed meetings
-host spring show at elementary school
Fall 2011 - Spring 2014
Bowling Green State University
Added by Sarah
Student Council
-organize Homecoming events
-organize two blood drives per year
Fall 2011 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Drama Club
Fall play and Spring musical
-assisted as choreographer in addition to performer
Spring 2011 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Ski Club
Winter 2010 - Winter 2013
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Key Club
service-based organization through Kiwanis
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Added by Sarah
Barbecue Club
-grilled team dinners for the football team for club fundraisers
-taught proper food preparation and grilling techniques
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Added by Sarah
We Speak for Manchester (WSFM)/Speech Club
-organized morning announcements and speech competitions
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
-literary magazine
-compilation of student poems, short stories, art, and photography
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Fellowship of Christian Students
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Science Club
Fall 2010 - Spring 2013
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Junior Varsity Volleyball
Fall 2010 - Fall 2011
Manchester High School
Added by Sarah
Actuarial Intern at The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
-Corporate Actuarial Intern: Forecasting
May 2016 - Present
Scholar Recruitment Student Coordinator at Bowling Green State University
-Help organize recruitment events, plan daily specialized visits to campus for scholar students, and help maintain and create engaging events for honors and scholar students
November 2015 - Present
Recruitment and Advising Assistant at Bowling Green State University
-promote and personalize the university for prospective students, parents, and other guests
-educate visitors about pre-admission requirements, academic programs, campus life, and the history of Bowling Green State University during campus tours
-provide a strong first impression of the university
March 2015 - Present