Amanda Schumacher
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
~Reinhold Niebuhr~
Amanda Schumacher is a December 2017 Upper Iowa University graduate
Upper Iowa University is pleased to announce Amanda Schumacher of Watford City, ND, graduated with a Associate of Arts degree in General Business in December 2017.
March, 02 2018 - Verified by Upper Iowa University
Amanda Schumacher is Named to Upper Iowa University's 2014-15 Spring Dean's List
Amanda Schumacher from Fargo, ND, was named to the Upper Iowa University 2014-15 Spring Dean's List. To be honored, the undergraduate must have earned a minimum 3.50 GPA for the semester and be enr...
June, 09 2015 - Verified by Upper Iowa University
General Manager at Kum & Go
October 2014 - Present
Yellow Presenter at Younique - Corporate
November 2013 - Present
Sales Manager at Kum & Go
February 2012 - September 2014