Sarah Cotton

Sarah E. Cotton of Conesus, a senior majoring in wellness management, has been named to the President's List for the spring 2019 semester at SUNY Oswego. Cotton was among SUNY Oswego students who ...
July, 03 2019 - SUNY OswegoSarah E. Cotton of Conesus, a senior majoring in wellness management, has been named to the President's List for the fall 2018 semester at SUNY Oswego. Cotton was among SUNY Oswego students who ac...
February, 05 2019 - SUNY OswegoSarah Cotton of Conesus, New York, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Cotton was initia...
February, 04 2019 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiSarah E. Cotton of Conesus, a junior majoring in wellness management, has been named to the President's List for the spring 2018 semester at SUNY Oswego. Cotton was among SUNY Oswego students who ...
July, 09 2018 - SUNY OswegoSarah E. Cotton of Conesus, a junior majoring in wellness management at SUNY Oswego, took part in the college's 2018 Alternative Spring Break service program. Cotton volunteered with Operation Nort...
April, 13 2018 - SUNY OswegoSarah E. Cotton of Conesus, a junior majoring in wellness management, has been named to the President's List for the fall 2017 semester at SUNY Oswego. Cotton was among Oswego students who achieve...
January, 25 2018 - SUNY OswegoSarah E. Cotton of Conesus, who is majoring in wellness management, was awarded a Presidential Scholarship from SUNY Oswego. The award recognizes past academic achievement and potential for success...
October, 17 2017 - SUNY OswegoSarah E. Cotton of Conesus has reserved a place among more than 1,400 freshmen at SUNY Oswego. She last attended Dansville High School and intends to major in wellness management at Oswego. Fall 20...
August, 02 2017 - SUNY Oswego