Shannon Long
Hi, I'm Shannon Long and I am a recent graduate from Carthage College. I majored in Business Management. I am extremely passionate about traveling, sales, and management thus why I choose to study this my three and a half years. I am hoping to pursue a career within the hospitality industry and or within the event management industry. I feel my passion for travel and events along with my creativity and past experiences will allow me to be successful. The skills I am currently attaining will best prepare me for this field along with my immense interest. I am open and willing to be a part of any new experiences and am excited about my future opportunities.
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Deerfield student participates in Carthage College's annual Christmas Festival
Shannon Long of Deerfield participated in Carthage College's annual Christmas Festival. Yearly, Carthage College invites the community to celebrate the joy of the holiday season at the annual Cart...
December, 06 2018 - Verified by Carthage College
Participated in the 2017 Carthage Christmas Festival
Yearly, Carthage College invites the community to celebrate the joy of the holiday season at the annual Carthage Christmas Festival, three performances of readings and music in the A. F. Siebert Ch...
December, 07 2017 - Verified by Carthage College
Participated in the 2016 Carthage Christmas Festival
Yearly, Carthage College invites the community to celebrate the joy of the holiday season at the annual Carthage Christmas Festival, three performances of readings and music in the A. F. Siebert Ch...
December, 15 2016 - Verified by Carthage College
Shannon Long was recognized for studying abroad
I studied abroad in Grenoble, France. While I was there I studied the french language at the CUEF which stands Universite Centre for French Studies. The CUEF was part of Universit Grenoble Alpes. During my time in Grenoble, I got to experience different types of activities like go to a church gathering with other french students who planned different activities for everyone who came. I also played badminton with french students and learned just how competitive they were as well as volunteer with french people. My program Academic Programs International/ API took me and other students from the United States to different places around France and got to experience many different activities, restaurants, attractions and famous sites.
Spring 2018 -
Added by Shannon