Stacy Rohan

Stacy Rohan of Holly Springs, NC has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2018. Rohan is majoring in Exercise Science. T...
May, 16 2018 - Verified by University of EvansvilleStacy Rohan of Holly Springs, NC (27540) has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2017. Stacy is majoring in Exercise Scie...
January, 05 2018 - Verified by University of EvansvilleStacy Rohan of Holly Springs, NC has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2017. Rohan is majoring in Exercise Science. ...
May, 16 2017 - Verified by University of EvansvilleStacy Rohan of Holly Springs, NC, (27540) has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2016. Stacy is majoring in Exercise Sci...
January, 04 2017 - Verified by University of EvansvilleStacy Rohan of Holly Springs, NC, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2016. Rohan is majoring in Exercise Science. ...
May, 17 2016 - Verified by University of EvansvilleStacy Rohan of Holly Springs, NC 27540 has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2015. Stacy is majoring in Exercise Scienc...
January, 21 2016 - Verified by University of Evansville