Stephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a senior Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2016 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a st...
May, 25 2016 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, graduated Magna Cum Laude from York College of Pennsylvania on May 14. Gannon earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Management.
May, 17 2016 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a senior Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2015 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a stu...
January, 12 2016 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a senior Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2015 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a s...
June, 02 2015 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a senior Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2014 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a stu...
January, 06 2015 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a Junior Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2014 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a s...
May, 21 2014 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a junior Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2013 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a stu...
January, 03 2014 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, a sophomore Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2013 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a st...
May, 29 2013 - Verified by York College of PennsylvaniaStephen Gannon of Mickleton, NJ, a sophomore Sport Management major at York College of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2012 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a s...
January, 03 2013 - Verified by York College of Pennsylvania