Zander Porter
Majored in Art Studio, Minored in Computer Science & Performance Studies
Wesleyan University, Class of 2017
From Los Angeles, CA
Wesleyan University, Class of 2017
From Los Angeles, CA
Zander Porter Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa
On May 27, Zander Porter was one of 77 members of the Class of 2017 inducted into Wesleyan's Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Society, the oldest national scholastic honor society. To be elected, a...
June, 01 2017 - Wesleyan University
Alexander Porter Graduates from Wesleyan University
On May 28, 2017, Alexander Porter graduated from Wesleyan University with a BA degree in Art Studio. He received High Honors in Art Studio.
May, 31 2017 - Wesleyan University
Zander Porter was recognized for earning a spot on an honors list
Zander was awarded High Honors in Art Studio alongside thesis work "I'm your pixelpleasure." Zander was thereafter nominated for University Honors, the highest academic award that Wesleyan bestows.
Spring 2017 -
Added by Zander
Zander Porter was recognized for earning an academic award
Elizabeth Verveer Tishler Prize (Art): Established in 1981 by a gift from Mrs. Tishler and awarded annually for an outstanding senior exhibition in painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, or architecture.
Spring 2017 -
Added by Zander
Zander Porter was recognized for study abroad
Zander studied Game Development: Programming and Practice at DIS Copenhagen.
Fall 2015 -
Added by Zander
Zander Porter was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Fall 2013 - Spring 2017 -
Added by Zander